The history of KRANTECHNIK OST begins on 21 December 1990. Since then the company is providing its services to the “new” German Federal States. Ralf Teichmann, the founder and managing director of the limited liability company in Essen having the same name, took over KRANTECHNIK OST with all its business activities in 2007. In 2008 the company moved from the former company location in Bad Berka to the today’s business facilities in Erfurt. In the meantime the small employee base has grown and it now consists of 10 employees who thanks to their professional know how provide for an exhausting reconstruction and modernization service of highest standard and who with their committed work create the foundations for quick and personal service, flexibility and customer friendliness.
Lothar Bonsen, the branch manager of KRANTECHNK OST says: „We are proud to look back on such a long tradition. We want to thank in particular our employees who give their best every day and who thus fill the term ‘service’ with life. But at this point we also want to thank our customers for the good cooperation and for the confidence they have placed in our service.”
By now, thanks to its geographical position and to the long-term experience of the crane experts, KRANTECHNK OST is an important service base of the TeichmannGroup in the “new” federal states. With 8 company locations altogether in Germany and Switzerland and with more than 350 employees, today the TeichmannGroup with the company TEICHMANN CRANES in Essen is one of the biggest manufacturer-independent suppliers of cranes and crane services and consequently belongs to the market leaders in this industrial sector.